Going Green: Environmental Stewardship for Preservation and Profit

(The 20th Annual Cliveden Institute)
April 3rd, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm - April 4th, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Wondering how you can affordably and easily incorporate “green” practices into your everyday life? Join us at Cliveden, a National Trust Historic Site, on Friday April 3rd and Saturday April 4th for Going Green: Environmental Stewardship for Preservation and Profit.
Located in our historic Carriage House, visitors will hear a variety of perspectives on local “green” issues from renowned scholars and environmental leaders. Topics will include an assortment of subjects including: “green” lawn care, protection of local wildlife, historical environmental issues and the true characteristics of eco-living.
April 3rd - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Join us for a wine and cheese conversation about Cliveden’s climate control project.
Anne Weber
- FAIA and Senior Associate at Farewell Mills Gatsch Architects LLC
- “Less is More: A Low-Tech Approach to Sustainability for Cliveden”
Panel discussion with local museum leaders, engineers and architects
- “Historic Sites and the Environment”
A special behind-the-scenes architectural tour of the Chew House will conclude the Friday evening program.
Saturday April 4th - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
A full-day of scholarly speakers will address a variety of local environmental issues.
Speakers and topics include:
Mike McGrath -
- Host of WHYY’s You Bet Your Garden radio show
- “Get Your Lawn and Landscape off Drugs” - Keynote Speech
Dr. Andrew Isenberg -
- Chair of Temple University’s History Department
- “Environment and History: The Historical Context of Environmental Challenges”
Richard Whiteford -
- Author/Writer, The Climate Project
- “Climate Change: Things Each of Us Can Do About It”
Seth A. Shapiro -
- Director of Planning and Urban Design at Barton Partners Architects Planners’
-“Is Mixed Use the Real Green”
Activities include:
Natural History Tour of Cliveden - Phillyist.com Green Scene Columnist Lori Litchman will detail what Cliveden’s 6 acre property would have looked like in 1777 as well as the variety of plant and wildlife at the site.
Eco-Lunch Break - Farmers from Weavers Way, a food cooperative in Northwest Philadelphia, will provide eco-friendly appetizers for lunchtime and discuss the economic and health benefits of eating locally and organically.
Yellow Bus Trip - Concluding the Going Green forum will be a brief local field trip to Weavers Way farms at Awbury Arboretum and Martin Luther King High School. Hop on the yellow bus to see a food co-op’s urban gardens and nutrition programs in action.
Registration Information:
Admission to both days of the program, April 3rd and April 4th, is $30. A reduced rate is available for one-day admissions and members of Cliveden. Price of admission includes speakers, demonstrations, eco-friendly appetizers, local bus trip as well as a reusable Cliveden coffee mug and shopping bag.
RSVP is requested but not necessary. To RSVP or request a printed program for this event, contact rfink@cliveden.org or call 215-848-1777.
Click here to download and print a registration form